

  • 责任编辑:gaotu
  • 来源:互联网
  • 时间:2025-03-06 13:16:30
  • Lay the groundwork for
    Example: The research findings laid the groundwork for further studies in the field.

  • Bring into question
    Example: The recent events have brought into question the effectiveness of current policies.

  • Set in motion
    Example: The new policy will set in motion a series of reforms in the education system.

  • Take a proactive approach to
    Example: The government should take a proactive approach to addressing climate change.

  • Make headway in
    Example: Significant progress has been made in understanding the causes of the disease.

  • Be a catalyst for
    Example: Technological innovation has been a catalyst for economic growth in many countries.

  • Call into question
    Example: The report calls into question the accuracy of the data used in the study.

  • Give rise to
    Example: The new regulations are likely to give rise to a number of unforeseen challenges.

  • Draw attention to
    Example: The speaker drew attention to the importance of protecting natural resources.

  • Bring to light
    Example: The investigation brought to light several serious issues within the organization.

  • Get the ball rolling
    Example: We need to get the ball rolling on this project if we want to meet the deadline.

  • Set the stage for
    Example: The success of the initial experiment set the stage for further research.

  • Put in place
    Example: New safety measures have been put in place to protect workers.

  • Take a toll on
    Example: The constant stress at work is beginning to take a toll on his health.

  • Draw on
    Example: The writer draws on personal experiences to create a compelling narrative.

  • Be on the brink of
    Example: The company is on the brink of a major breakthrough in medical technology.

  • Take into account
    Example: We must take into account all possible factors before making a final decision.

  • Come under scrutiny
    Example: The new policy has come under intense scrutiny from the public.

  • Make a compelling case for
    Example: The report makes a compelling case for improving public transportation.

  • Bear in mind
    Example: It is important to bear in mind the potential risks when making investments.

  • Take precedence over
    Example: National security should take precedence over individual freedoms in certain cases.

  • Push the boundaries of
    Example: The latest technological advancements are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

  • Place emphasis on
    Example: The course places emphasis on developing critical thinking skills.

  • Make strides in
    Example: The organization has made significant strides in reducing its carbon footprint.

  • Be prone to
    Example: People who don’t get enough sleep are prone to making mistakes.

  • Bring about a shift in
    Example: The recent policy changes have brought about a shift in public opinion.

  • Come to grips with
    Example: It took years for the country to come to grips with the consequences of the war.

  • Take a stand on
    Example: The organization took a strong stand on environmental protection.

  • Take into consideration
    Example: You must take into consideration the cultural differences when working abroad.

  • Be held accountable for
    Example: The CEO will be held accountable for the company’s financial mismanagement.

  • Set in motion
    Example: The announcement set in motion a series of political changes.

  • Come to an agreement on
    Example: The two countries finally came to an agreement on trade regulations.

  • Make a breakthrough in
    Example: Scientists have made a breakthrough in cancer research.

  • Put forward a proposal
    Example: The committee has put forward a proposal for improving the health system.

  • Be at odds with
    Example: His opinion is at odds with the rest of the team on this matter.

  • Have far-reaching implications
    Example: The new law will have far-reaching implications for the economy.

  • Hold the key to
    Example: Education holds the key to solving many of the world’s problems.

  • Be at the forefront of
    Example: The company is at the forefront of technological innovation.

  • Lead the way in
    Example: The city is leading the way in sustainable urban development.

  • Put an end to
    Example: The new law aims to put an end to discrimination in the workplace.

  • Take a back seat to
    Example: In recent years, environmental concerns have taken a back seat to economic growth.

  • Get to the heart of
    Example: The speaker’s argument really got to the heart of the issue.

  • Be in the midst of
    Example: The country is in the midst of a major economic crisis.

  • Be on the horizon
    Example: A new era of technological innovation is on the horizon.

  • Take a leaf out of someone’s book
    Example: We should take a leaf out of their book and adopt similar policies.

  • Set one’s sights on
    Example: The company has set its sights on expanding into new international markets.

  • Bring something to a halt
    Example: The strike brought production to a halt.

  • Be in the spotlight
    Example: The new government policy is now in the spotlight.

  • Get a taste of
    Example: The young athlete got a taste of international competition at the championship.

  • Give someone a run for their money
    Example: The new competitor is giving the market leader a run for their money.

  • Take a stand against
    Example: The organization took a stand against the use of child labor.

  • Be in the driver’s seat
    Example: The CEO is now in the driver’s seat, overseeing the company’s future direction.

  • Go hand in hand with
    Example: Economic growth and technological progress often go hand in hand.

  • Come to the fore
    Example: New leadership is coming to the fore in the company.

  • See eye to eye with
    Example: I see eye to eye with my colleagues on most of the issues.

  • Keep someone on their toes
    Example: The ever-changing market conditions keep businesses on their toes.

  • Take a firm stance on
    Example: The government has taken a firm stance on combating corruption.

  • Make no bones about
    Example: She made no bones about her intentions to improve the project.

  • Fall into place
    Example: Once the project plan was finalized, everything fell into place.

  • Leave much to be desired
    Example: The quality of customer service at the hotel left much to be desired.

  • Set the tone for
    Example: The opening speech set the tone for the entire conference.

  • Take someone to task
    Example: The manager took the team to task for missing the deadline.

  • Bring someone to justice
    Example: The authorities promised to bring those responsible for the attack to justice.

  • Be caught up in
    Example: She was caught up in the excitement of the event.

  • Stand in stark contrast to
    Example: The new building stands in stark contrast to the old town architecture.

  • Be bound by
    Example: We are bound by the rules to ensure fairness.

  • Keep pace with
    Example: It’s crucial for businesses to keep pace with technological advancements.

  • Come to the conclusion that
    Example: After extensive research, the scientists came to the conclusion that the theory was correct.

  • Be in jeopardy
    Example: The company’s future is in jeopardy due to the recent financial losses.

  • Take pride in
    Example: The country takes pride in its rich cultural heritage.

  • Fall short of expectations
    Example: The new software fell short of expectations in terms of performance.

  • Turn a blind eye to
    Example: The government turned a blind eye to the growing inequality in the country.

  • Lead to a deadlock
    Example: The conflicting views led to a deadlock in the negotiations.

  • Bring someone up to speed on
    Example: The manager brought the new team member up to speed on the project.

  • Be a case in point
    Example: The recent decision by the committee is a case in point for effective leadership.

  • Take a back seat
    Example: In the project, she decided to take a back seat and let others lead.

  • Do the heavy lifting
    Example: The manager did most of the heavy lifting during the project.

  • Bear fruit
    Example: After years of research, their efforts finally bore fruit.

  • Take the initiative to
    Example: She took the initiative to resolve the conflict between the two departments.

  • Bring something into the spotlight
    Example: The documentary brought the issue of homelessness into the spotlight.

  • Keep a low profile
    Example: The celebrity has kept a low profile since the scandal.

  • Stand the test of time
    Example: The classic novel has stood the test of time.

  • Take someone to task
    Example: The teacher took the student to task for not completing the assignment.

  • Make light of
    Example: She made light of the serious consequences of the decision.

  • Take it upon oneself to
    Example: He took it upon himself to fix the issue with the website.

  • Come down to
    Example: The success of the project comes down to careful planning and execution.

  • Turn the tide on
    Example: The new law could turn the tide on climate change.

  • Go above and beyond
    Example: The team went above and beyond to complete the task on time.

  • Take someone by surprise
    Example: The sudden resignation of the CEO took everyone by surprise.

  • Be driven by
    Example: The company is driven by its commitment to sustainability.

  • Make something out of
    Example: She managed to make something out of the difficult situation.

  • Be prone to
    Example: The region is prone to natural disasters due to its geographic location.

  • Bring something to fruition
    Example: The long-term project was finally brought to fruition after years of effort.

  • Take something with a grain of salt
    Example: You should take those rumors with a grain of salt until you get confirmation.

  • Fall into disrepair
    Example: The old building has fallen into disrepair over the years.

  • Make something of a difference
    Example: Small changes can make a big difference in the long run.

  • Make strides toward
    Example: The country is making strides toward reducing its carbon emissions.

  • Play a pivotal role in
    Example: The scientist played a pivotal role in the development of the vaccine.

  • Come under fire
    Example: The teacher came under fire for his controversial comments.

  • Be in the same boat
    Example: We are all in the same boat, trying to survive the economic crisis together.


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