1.会计硕士(MSc Accountancy)
申请开放时间:2024年9月 第一轮申请截止日期:2025年1月31日 第二轮申请截止日期:2025年3月31日 申请要求:本科学历,专业不限;推荐提交GRE或GMAT成绩;良好的托福或雅思成绩(若学士学位课程为非英语授课);工作经验非必须申请条件。
2.金融工程硕士(MSc Financial Engineering)
申请开放时间:2024年9月 第一轮申请截止日期:2024年11月30日 第二轮申请截止日期:2025年2月28日 申请要求:本科学历,应用数学、应用科学、统计学、计算机科学、工程、经济学或其他定量领域等专业优先考虑;也会考虑其他专业的申请者;优秀的GRE或GMAT成绩;良好的托福或雅思成绩(若学士学位课程为非英语授课);工作经验非必须申请条件。
3.商业分析硕士(MSc Business Analytics)
申请开放时间:2024年9月 第一轮申请截止日期:2024年11月30日 第二轮申请截止日期:2025年1月31日 第三轮申请截止日期:2025年3月31日 申请要求:本科学历,专业不限;良好的GRE或GMAT成绩;良好的托福或雅思成绩(若学士学位课程为非英语授课);工作经验非必须申请条件。
4.市场营销科学硕士(MSc Marketing Science)
申请开放时间:2024年9月 第一轮申请截止日期:2025年1月31日 第二轮申请截止日期:2025年3月31日 申请要求:本科学历,专业不限;良好的托福或雅思成绩(若学士学位课程为非英语授课);GRE或GMAT成绩是非必须申请条件;工作经验非必须申请条件。 以上信息均来自新加坡南洋理工大学商学院的官网公布内容,为大家提供了明确的申请时间表和申请要求,大家最好提前做好准备哦。
2.Future career planning.
3.Please tell me about a time when you experienced an unexpected change in your school or at work. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
4.Tell me a time when you led a team of people that have different personalities. How did you align your team towards the objective or goal? What is the outcome?
5.Why you want to study in Singapore and NTU?
6.Tell me one of your strength?
7.Have you applied for other school projects?
8.Any more questions?
9.I heard that it is difficult for Taiwanese graduates to find a job. Why do you think?
10.Finding a job in Singapore was difficult in the past, and now coupled with the impact of the epidemic, ask me if I can not stay in the local work, what is my plan b?
11.How is it planned before admission?
12.Where do you want to go back to work after graduation?
13.How to choose Hong Kong and Singapore projects?
14.Why do you choose to go to graduate school at this time?
15.What do you know about our project?
16.What qualities do you think you have to do with my target career?
17.What do you think is the difference between working in China and in Singapore?
18. Have you ever had an internship?
19.Have you made any major decisions in your studies and career? How do you feel?
20.Please tell me about a time when you experienced an unexpected change in your school or at work. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
21.How do you adapt to a big change.
22.What is the most important goal you hope to achieve by completing the Master’s program at Nanyang Technological University? Why?
23.Anything you want to learn, about what you want from this programme?
24.Do you think our project is special?
25.How to leave the comfort zone in school or work?
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咨询时间: 8:00 - 24:00
咨询时间: 8:00 - 24:00