曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester),简称“曼大”或“UoM”,始建于1824年,位于英国曼彻斯特,是一所公立研究型大学,是英国最大的单一校址大学。
曼彻斯特大学 布里斯托大学 谢菲尔德大学 伯明翰大学 利兹大学 利物浦大学
Personal Statement:
Tell us why you are interested in the course you are applying for and how it will impact on your future. Tell us what makes you stand out as an exceptional candidate for the course
Your statement should be no more than one page. It helps us to assess how well you are able to articulate your goals, motivations and values, and your writing and reasoning abilities.
Try to make it interesting and reflect your personality - we have to read a lot of them!
Msc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management
Your statement of purpose should cover the areas outlined below and be one page A4:
Tell us why you are interested in the MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management course at Alliance MBS and how the course will impact on your future.Describe what makes you an outstanding applicant and describe your potential to contribute to all aspects of the course.
告诉我们你为什么对Alliance MBS的运营、项目和供应链管理理学硕士课程感兴趣,以及该课程将如何影响你的未来。描述是什么让你成为一名优秀的申请人,并描述你对课程各方面的贡献潜力。
MSc Business Psychology
Your statement of purpose should cover the areas outlined below and be one page A4:
Tell us why you are interested in the MSc Business Psychology course at Alliance MBS and how the course will impact on your future. Describe what makes you an outstanding applicant and describe your potential to contribute to all aspects of the course.
Please let us know about any relevant experience you have gained (full-time job, summer job, internships etc).
告诉我们你为什么对Alliance MBS的商业心理学硕士课程感兴趣,以及这门课程将如何影响你的未来
MSc Development Finance a personal statement (500-700 words) addressing how MSc in Development Finance will contribute to your future career plans 一份个人陈述(500-700字),说明发展金融硕士学位将如何为您未来的职业规划做出贡献 MA Education Leadership a personal statement (maximum 500 words) detailing why you wish to study the course, your experiences, what you can bring to the course and any other information that you see as relevant to your application 一份个人陈述(最多500字),详细说明你为什么希望学习这门课程,你的经历,你能给这门课程带来什么,以及你认为与你的申请相关的任何其他信息。 MSc Human Resource Management (International Development) a personal statement (maximum 500 words) detailing why you wish to study the course, your experiences, what you can bring to the course and any other information that you see as relevant to your application 个人陈述(最多500字),详细说明您希望学习该课程的原因,您的经历,您可以为该课程带来什么以及您认为与申请相关的任何其他信息。 MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations Your statement of purpose should cover the areas outlined below and be one page A4: Tell us why you are interested in the MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations course at Alliance MBS and how the course will impact on your future Describe what makes you an outstanding applicant and describe your potential to contribute to all aspects of the course. 您的目的陈述应涵盖以下领域,并为一页A4: 告诉我们你为什么对Alliance MBS的人力资源管理和劳资关系硕士课程感兴趣,以及该课程将如何影响你的未来 描述是什么让你成为一名优秀的申请人,并描述你对课程各方面的贡献潜力。 MSc International Development a personal statement (maximum 500 words) detailing why you wish to study the course, your experiences, what you can bring to the course and any other information that you see as relevant to your application; 个人陈述(最多500字),详细说明您希望学习该课程的原因,您的经历,您可以为该课程带来什么以及您认为与申请相关的任何其他信息 曼大有一些专业网申系统说明了不要求提供ps,但是网申界面依旧留有对话框,可以填写一些实习经历或者简历上的内容进入下一步,不要求ps的项目,学校确实不需要考核ps这一方面。
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咨询时间: 8:00 - 24:00
咨询时间: 8:00 - 24:00