1.Master of Civil Engineering
IELTS (Academic): minimum overall score of 6.5 with no sub-score below 6.0
TOEFL: minimum score of 90 for the internet-based test with a minimum of 20 in writing
Pearson Test of English: minimum score of 58 (with a ‘Communicative’ score of not less than 50)
2.Master of Professional Engineering(华盛顿协议认证注册课程)
IELTS (Academic): minimum overall score of 6.5 with no sub-score below 6.0
TOEFL: minimum score of 90 for the internet-based test with a minimum of 20 in writing
Pearson Test of English: minimum score of 58 (with a ‘Communicative’ score of not less than 50)
1.Master of Construction Management
IELTS (Academic): minimum overall score of 6.5 with no sub-score below 6.0
TOEFL: minimum score of 90 for the internet-based test with a minimum of 20 in writing
Pearson Test of English: minimum score of 58 (with a ‘Communicative’ score of not less than 50)
2.Master of Engineering-Architectural Engineering and Construction Engineering方向
IELTS (Academic): minimum overall score of 6.5 with no sub-score below 6.0
TOEFL: minimum score of 90 for the internet-based test with a minimum of 20 in writing
Pearson Test of English: minimum score of 58 (with a ‘Communicative’ score of not less than 50)
1.Master of Civil Engineering
IELTS (Academic): minimum overall score of 6.5 with no sub-score below 6.0
TOEFL: minimum score of 90 for the internet-based test with a minimum of 20 in writing
Pearson Test of English: minimum score of 58 (with a ‘Communicative’ score of not less than 50)
7.Master of Engineering-Civil Engineering方向
IELTS (Academic): minimum overall score of 6.5 with no sub-score below 6.0
TOEFL: minimum score of 90 for the internet-based test with a minimum of 20 in writing
Pearson Test of English: minimum score of 58 (with a ‘Communicative’ score of not less than 50)
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